torsdag den 23. september 2010

LAB.4 - Balancing robot 1

Date: 23/9-2010
Duration of activity: 11:15 - 14:
Group members participating: All
Schedule for the day:
- Make the diode sensor balancing robot
- get the code to work
- make improvements
- Test difference BC/AC motor output
- follow up on last weeks sound sensor, klapping

Problems and progress:
- Testet with BC motor driving. saw some problems with balancing and then it at random times just drives and lose balance
- Tested with AC connection and it couldn't balance probably because wrong error value or motor not giving the same output power.
- trying so solve some of the issues by moving the sensor up on the robot. That Didn't work, it did how ever made it worse.
- making a robot with sensor in front and in back so it can try to even out the difference.
- Because of there is't one more of the NXC lightsensor, we had to make try to make an,
RCX Lightsensor work on the NXT and in lejOS.
The first attemts to make an test program to get some data values from the lightsensor, did not work, because of use of the wrong library.
After a little driving into the lejOS api, made it clear that the library we wanted to use, was not the right one.
The right one is to import lejos.nxt.addon.*, then the lightsensor object will then be RCXLightSensor.
There is some changes one of them is to use setFloodlight instated of using activate.
- old sensor available and resulted in wrong data, we might need older sensor library

Detailed description of 2 sensor balancing
By implementing 2 ligth sensors the plan is to minimize the error betwen the to sensors.
The goal is have the same distance in front and in back.
The problem with the design is difference in the ligth sensors and therefore there should be at calibrating sekvens

The final design have not been tested because of problems with getting the old ligth sensors to work.
They now work but the system need a specieal designet regulator algorithm for balancing.
Final Status:
- There balancing robot work for at wery short time, improvement failed.
- Our own solution were not deploid
- Motor output saw some difference and showed the lockup failiure

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